More than the average pose + go photographer

I’m Liz, the face behind the camera!

I’ve had a passion for photography since childhood and became more serious about it in high school. 6 years ago, I decided to finally make this business official!

My favorite thing about this business is that it doesn’t feel like work to me. As a wife and mother, I understand the value of documenting memories, and I absolutely love being able to do that for others.

I’ve always had two dream careers; teaching and photography. When I’m not taking photos on the weekends, I’m teaching 3rd grade! I’m still in awe that I get to spend all of my time doing what I love between both jobs.

Between my husband, 5 year old daughter, 3 cats, and 2 dogs, my house is full of love!

I’ve been uncomfortable in front of the camera my entire life, and because of that it’s my mission to ensure no one feels that way when they’re in front of MY camera. I will constantly cheer you on and even show you the back of my camera throughout the session.

Some facts about me:

  • I’m a HUGE bookworm! I take my kindle everywhere I go and refer to it as my “emotional support kindle”.

  • Dolphins are my favorite animal. Up until a couple years ago, I had only seen them in real life once when I was a kid. Now, we make a point to go see them at least once a year and I tear up every time.

  • I could live off of pasta.

  • I have many obsessions, Harry Potter being one that I’m most passionate about. I have even incorporated my love for the series into my classroom.